Sunday, May 26, 2019

Retirement - A Piece of Heaven

Yesterday a friend and I visited a ranch. I love this ranch. It brings great joy to my heart and soul; however, this blog entry is not about the ranch. This entry is about a place similar but different. It is also very near and dear to me. It also brings great joy to my heart and soul.

A retirement farm of sorts, The Shannon Foundation welcomes old and troubled souls from all sorts of conditions. Beings that have lost their humans and have no where to go, come here. Beings that are deemed dangerous, and may truly be dangerous in other environments, come here. Beings who are old and ill come here. These are just a few of the reasons these beautiful souls end up in St. Clair, Missouri.

This farm doesn't get the recognition a lot of "rescues" do for many reasons.  It is not open to the public except in certain circumstances. The beings here are not adoptable. The farm is located in a beautiful valley that isn't exactly easy to reach. There are other reasons too but suffice it to say, it is not a place to go pet sweet, fluffy animals although you just want to hug them and tell them it is all going to be okay.

I visited once a few years ago. I was so impressed. This farm is run with a minimal staff and an even more minimal budget. Lots of the locals help out when they can. The valley is beautiful but the flooding in recent years and the storms have taken a toll. Fences down, trees down. Repairs are ongoing but all of us in the St. Louis area know this year has challenges for everyone. 

The purpose of this post is to bring as many people as I can to an awareness of The Shannon Foundtion's existence. Funds are welcome and necessary to help feed these beautiful creatures with tragic pasts. The dogs, horses, pigs and who know what other beings are current residents could benefit from your donations. Vet bills are never ending. Food, hay and other care of large animals is costly.

Here are a few photos of some of the residents and you will note a lot of them are furr babies of the dog variety.

If you are moved to donate, please go to their website Or if you just want a little more information, go to the website.  And, please, please share this blog entry.
You never know who's heart may be opened to assist.

Peace and Blessings!


Friday, October 5, 2018

A Guardian Angel named "Tilly"

I have always believed we are surrounded by angelic beings of Light and Love. They come in many forms and offer comfort, wisdom and protection during our lifetimes. 

One such angelic being is a rescued pit bull living out her life at The Shannon Foundation Retirement Farm. Her name is Tilly.  I am convinced she is an angel in disguise, brought to earth to protect her human mama, Rhonda. Over the years Tilly has protected Rhonda from way too many copperheads to count. She knows when she is needed and comes to the rescue. This Friday, October 5, was one of those days. Here is an accounting of this day from Tilly's mama:

"I just went to the barn to clean stalls. In the driveway a large dead branch had fallen, breaking in many pieces. I started cleaning up the mess. From my right side I was hit and knocked off balance, hitting the gate that broke my fall. Within a foot there was a Copperhead, by now in "Tilly's mouth. The snake was blending in with the limbs, THAT I WAS PICKING UP. EWWW!! "Tilly" wasn't near me, so how in the HELL did she know that snake was there??? Most of the time I'm very aware of my surroundings, but I was stewing over earlier events. I wasn't paying attention, good thing "Tilly" had my back. I can't hug this dog tight enough to say thank you. She just looks at me and I can tell she just knows how I feel. Is it to early in the day for a stiff drink?? NOPE!"

Thank you Tilly for once again saving your your Mama.

The Shannon Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. I'm sure Tilly and her fellow "retirees" would be ever so grateful for any contribution you could send. 

Peace and Blessings,


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Dogs, dogs, dogs...all those little dogs!

Tilly is so exasperated right now.  She just wants to take a nap. Such a life!

Just a few of the beautiful creatures living out their lives at The Shannon Foundation Retirement Farm. 

Extra money? How about sending it this way. Maybe Tilly can get her own bed. Just kidding. 



Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mother's Day

'Tis the season to celebrate 'mothers." When we think of Mother's Day we naturally think of our mother or someone else's mother who may have played a big part in our lives. This is the normal way of thinking. However, I don't always like to classify myself as part of the normal. 

Tomorrow we observe Mother's Day. I would like to honor those mom's who have children who are not of the human variety. One in particular comes to mind - Rhonda Stephens.

I have only met this lady once in person but have followed her on Facebook for quite some time. She is mom to many creatures of the non-human species. I think of her dedication to these beautiful beings. In the cold she feeds them and tends to their needs.  When the weather is hot, she is sure her home is cool enough for all the seniors living with her. She tends to their medical needs and she makes that difficult decision when it is time for them to cross over the Rainbow Bridge. She grieves when they do make that journey. Her life is dedicated to making sure these once unwanted creatures are loved for their remaining days on earth. She truly is my "hero mom."

I also think about the "mom animals" who take in unwanted babies and mother them. Mama dogs who parent kittens; mama cats who parent puppies. We see this quite often. Parenting through the differences. The human race could take a few pointers from these animals. 

So tomorrow, let's honor the mom's who give their all for the animal population. Let's honor the animal mom's who also live their purpose - mothering.

For Rhonda, I know she would appreciate a donation to the rescue farm she loves and serves, The Shannon Foundation, One $10 donation monthly from all who read this could go a long way in caring for the inhabitants of this rescue farm. I'm sure $10 would not put too much of a crimp in most people's budge. If this is impossible, please share this blog.  Who knows who may have some extra dollars to share.

And for those beautiful "mom animals," how about an extra treat to honor them?

Of course, Happy Mother's Day to all the human moms reading this.  May your day be blessed and happy. 

Here are a few of the Shannon Foundation residents wishing you all a 

P.S. We love you Mama Rhonda!

Peace and Blessings!


Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Slice of Heaven

We all have ideas of what heaven is like. Some think it is a place in the sky; others think it is a state of consciousness. For me the following photo describes my idea of heaven: 

A pile of rescued dogs, all snuggled up in a home filled with love and affection. Absolutely nothing better in my opinion.

These balls of furr live at The Shannon Foundation in St. Clair, Missouri.  Soon they will be joined by some horses who are in need of a home as their owner is soon leaving this planet. The Shannon Foundation is in desperate need of hay for these horses. Because of the drought, there is a hay shortage and the cost of the hay that is available is astronomical. The Shannon Foundation does not have the funds to purchase the hay that is available.  

PLEASE! Consider a donation to The Shannon Foundation. You can donate through their website:

If you are unable to donate at this time, please share this blog to all your friends.  These beautiful furr babies are eager to welcome some "big guys" into their family so they may have a slice of heaven.  Let's be sure they are given the nourishment they need to enjoy their lives. 

Thank you!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Rainy Days

Another day of rain here in the St. Louis area. Although we were in need of it...enough already! Flooding is already occurring in some parts of the area and more to follow if the rains do not cease soon. We are not able to control Mother Nature but we can accommodate our lifestyles to her whims.  Here are some photos of residents at The Shannon Foundation who have found ways to handle the rain and dreary weather.

and last but not least...

Please make the rain go away. I have rabbits to chase.
I really need to play!  

With this rain The Shannon Foundation may once again experience damage as a result of flooding. Please consider a donation of any amount to go toward expenses for repairs. Fences are still down as a result of previous floods.  Any help is appreciated. Go to the website:

It is easy to donate with a card or through PayPal. A recurring monthly donation of the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks goes a long way.  

Please pass this along. Who know what could happen for this wonderful rescue. 



Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rescued Souls

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a dog person. If given a choice between dogs and people, the dogs win every time.  That being said, I want to take a moment to share that not all rescues are dog specific. There are many rescues who take in horses, cats, chickens, guinea pigs, pigs and more. One such rescue is the Shannon Foundation.

Today I shall share some photos of a few of the "other" rescues who make this place home.

"Auna" Paso is an elderly lady in her mid-30's who resides in the valley. In this photo, she has ventured outside to bask in the sunshine that has been elusive for the last few weeks.  Suffering from cancer, she has experienced a rough winter. Even in the freezing cold though, she knows the warmth of unconditional love.

Another senior is "Ty Murray." Ty is a long-time resident who is more than ready for some warmer weather.  Many years ago, he was found on the side of an interstate. He was a newborn and it would seem his mother gave birth while traveling to slaughter. More than likely he fell through the slates onto the grassy shoulder of the highway. One lucky dude!

Isabeau is a 40 year old beauty who is feeling the years just a bit.  She has been quite ill this winter but as of this writing is doing much better.  Although she lost weight, she is eating and getting back to her old self. With the warmer weather, a recovery is hoped for

Bert aka Dweezie Zappa is a young man who will eventually grow to be 300 to 400 pounds. Other rescues wouldn't take him cause he couldn't be adopted but the Shannon Foundation could. So Dweezie Zappa will live out his life here, enjoying the country life.

Purdy and Lovey all cozy on their cat tower. Although they have a play area outside, they aren't going anywhere cold.

And now two feathered residents:


We've all heard of "all-inclusive" resorts. Here we have an "all-inclusive" rescue/retirement farm where everyone is welcome.  The Shannon Foundation also welcomes donations of all sizes. Become a monthly donor, a one-time donor or go to their Facebook page to watch for needs that come up unexpectedly. 

Here is information:

Facebook page: The Shannon Foundation (choose "place")

There are others living out their lives at The Shannon Foundation.  I hope I've tweaked your interest enough to check it out for yourself. 

Have a beautiful Sunday.

Peace and Blessings!
